In the previous
Understand Django
we covered the built-in auth system.
That article gave you a chance
to see the User
ways to login users
with Django’s authentication tools,
and the features
that make the authorization controls work.
In that topic,
middleware came up
as an integral component.
Now we’re going to learn more
about middleware
and its function
within a Django project.
- From Browser To Django
- URLs Lead The Way
- Views On Views
- Templates For User Interfaces
- User Interaction With Forms
- Store Data With Models
- Administer All The Things
- Anatomy Of An Application
- User Authentication
- Middleware Do You Go?
- Serving Static Files
- Test Your Apps
- Deploy A Site Live
- Per-visitor Data With Sessions
- Making Sense Of Settings
- User File Use
- Command Your App
- Go Fast With Django
- Security And Django
- Debugging Tips And Techniques
How Should I Think About Middleware?
To start this topic, let’s figure out where middleware exists in a Django project.
Middleware is code that exists
in the middle.
“In the middle of what?”
you might ask.
The “middle” is the code that executes between
when an HttpRequest
is created
by the framework
and when the code you wrote is called
by Django.
The “middle” can also refer
to code that executes
after your view completes
but before Django translates the HttpResponse
to bytes
to send it over the network
to a browser.
Have you ever eaten an Everlasting Gobstopper? No, I don’t mean the one from Willy Wonka that will last forever. An Everlasting Gobstopper is a hard, layered candy that changes colors and flavors as you keep it in your mouth until you finally get to a soft center.
Middleware is kind of like those candy layers and your view code is like the soft center. My analogy breaks down when you think about how someone eats the candy.
With the candy, you experience one layer at a time until you get to the middle and you’re done. A more apt comparison to middleware would be to burrow through the layers and come out the other side, experiencing the same layers in the opposite order as the way you came in.
What’s shown below is a diagram
of all the default middleware
that is included
when you run the startproject
If you’re a visual learner
who didn’t find my gobstopper analogy helpful,
then I hope this picture will be more illustrative.
+--------- SecurityMiddleware --------------+
|+-------- SessionMiddleware --------------+|
||+------- CommonMiddleware --------------+||
|||+------ CsrfViewMiddleware -----------+|||
||||+----- AuthenticationMiddleware ----+||||
|||||+---- MessageMiddleware ----------+|||||
||||||+--- XFrameOptionsMiddleware ---+||||||
||||||| |||||||
HttpRequest =================> view function ==================> HttpResponse
||||||| |||||||
How does Django make this layering work?
When you start Django
with an application server
like Gunicorn,
you have to give the application server the path
to your WSGI module.
We will cover application servers in a later topic,
but, for now, know that an application server can run your Django app.
If your project directory containing your settings file
is called project
then calling Gunicorn looks like:
$ gunicorn project.wsgi
You’d have this setup if you ran django-admin startproject project .
(including the last dot),
but what’s really needed by the application server is wherever your
file is located in your project,
in module path form.
Adjust accordingly for your needs.
Remember way back
in the first article
of the series
that WSGI stands
for the Web Server Gateway Interface
and is the common layer
that synchronous Python web apps must implement
in order to work
with Python application servers.
Inside this project.wsgi
is a function called get_wsgi_application
imported from django.core.wsgi
does two things:
- Calls
which does all the startup configuration that we saw in the last article - Returns a
As you might guess,
the WSGIHandler
is designed
to make the WSGI interface work,
but it is also a subclass
of django.core.handlers.base.BaseHandler
This base handler class is where Django handles middleware setup.
The base handler includes a load_middleware
This method has the job
of iterating through all the middleware listed
As it iterates through the MIDDLEWARE
the method’s primary objective is
to include each middleware
in the middleware chain.
The middleware chain is the Django gobstopper.
The chain represents each instance of Django middleware, layered together, to produce the desired effect of allowing a request and response to pass through each middleware.
Aside from building the middleware chain,
must do some other important configuration.
- The method handles synchronous and asynchronous middleware.
As Django increases its support
of async development,
the internals of Django need to manage the differences.
makes some alterations depending on what it can discover about a middleware class. - The method registers a middleware with certain sets of middleware based on the presence of various hook methods. We’ll discuss those hooks later in this article.
That explains middleware’s structure and how all the middleware interacts with the request and response lifecycle, but what does middleware do?
We can use middleware for a wide variety of purposes. Because of the middleware chain, a successful HTTP request will pass through every middleware. This property of middleware makes it ideal for code that we want to execute globally for our Django project.
For instance,
think back to our last article
User Authentication.
In that article,
we observed
that Django’s auth system is dependent
on the AuthenticationMiddleware
This middleware has the singular job
of adding a user
to every HttpRequest
that passes through the application
before the request gets
to view code.
The AuthenticationMiddleware
highlights some qualities
that are good for middleware
in Django.
- A middleware should ideally have a narrow or singular objective.
- A middleware should run a minimal amount of code.
Why? Again, the answer is related to the middleware chain. Since the HTTP request will pass through every middleware in the chain, then we can see that every middleware will execute for every request. In other words, each middleware carries a performance overhead for each request.
There is an exception to this behavior of the chain. A middleware early in the chain can prevent middleware later in the chain from running.
For example,
the SecurityMiddleware
is first
in the default middleware chain
from a startproject
generated project.
This middleware is designed to do some checks
to keep the application secure.
One check is to look for a secure connection
(i.e., a request using HTTPS)
if HTTPS is configured.
If a request comes to the application
and uses HTTP
instead of HTTPS,
the middleware can return an HttpResponsePermanentRedirect
that redirects to the same URL
with https://
and prevents the rest of the chain
from running.
Aside from this exceptional behavior in middleware, it’s important to remember that, in most circumstances, each middleware will run for each request. We should be aware of that performance aspect when creating our own middleware.
Now we’re ready to learn about how we can create our own middleware!
How Can I Write My Own Custom Middleware?
Let’s assume that you’ve found a good case to create a middleware. You need something that happens with every request and that functionality has a narrow goal.
You can begin
with an empty middleware definition.
In my example,
we’re going to put the middleware
in a
# project/
class AwesomeMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
return self.get_response(
After creating the middleware, you add it to your settings.
# project/
That’s it!
This custom middleware doesn’t do anything
except slow performance slightly
because it’s an extra method call
on every request.
Since I put the middleware at the end
it will be the last middleware
to run before a view receives a request
and the first middleware
with the chance
to process a response.
We can break down how this class works.
- The
method gets a callable that is conventionally namedget_response
. The middleware is created duringload_middleware
and the callable is a key part of what makes the middleware chain work. The callable will either call the next middleware or the view depending on where the current middleware is in the chain. - The
method transforms the middleware instance itself into a callable. The method must callget_response
to ensure that the chain is unbroken.
If you want to do extra work,
you can make changes
to the __call__
You can modify __call__
to process changes
before or after the call
of get_response
In the request/response lifecycle,
changes before get_response
occur before the view is called
while changes after get_response
can handle the response
or any other post-request processing.
Let’s say we want our example middleware to record some timing information. We might update the code to look like:
# project/
import logging
import time
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AwesomeMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
before_timestamp = time.time()
f"Tracking {before_timestamp}"
response = self.get_response(request)
after_timestamp = time.time()
delta = after_timestamp - before_timestamp
f"Tracking {after_timestamp} for a delta of {delta}"
return response
We still haven’t covered logging yet, but you can understand it as recording messages to some output source like a file.
This example acts as a crude performance monitor. If you wanted to measure the response time of a view, this middleware would do that. The downside is that it wouldn’t tell you which view is recorded. Hey, give me a break, this is a silly example! 🤪
Hopefully, you’re beginning to see how middleware can be useful. But wait! There’s more that middleware can do.
A Django middleware can define any of three different hook methods that Django will run at different parts of the request/response lifecycle. The three methods are:
- This hook is called whenever a view raises an exception. This could include an uncaught exception from the view, but the hook will also receive exceptions that are intentionally raised likeHttp404
- This hook is called whenever a view returns a response that looks like a template response (i.e., the response object has arender
- This hook is called right before the view.
Returning to our silly example,
we can make it less silly
by using the process_view
Let’s see what we can do:
# project/
import logging
import time
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AwesomeMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
before_timestamp = time.time()
f"Tracking {before_timestamp}"
response = self.get_response(request)
after_timestamp = time.time()
delta = after_timestamp - before_timestamp
f"Tracking {after_timestamp} for a delta of {delta}"
return response
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
f"Running {view_func.__name__} view"
Now our middleware uses Python’s reflection capabilities to record the view’s name. If accessing the Django admin with an unauthenticated user, the log might record something like:
Tracking 1607438038.232886
Running login view
Tracking 1607438038.261855 for a delta of 0.02896881103515625
This middleware could still benefit from a lot of polish, but you can see how the hooks make it possible for a middleware to have more advanced functionality.
As an example of the process_exception
consider a service
that collects and reports exceptions
to track the health
of your application.
There are many of these services
I happen to be a Rollbar user
so I’ll comment
on that one.
You can see from the
pyrollbar code
that the service sends exception information
from the process_exception
to Rollbar
via their rollbar.report_exc_info
Without middleware,
capturing and reporting exceptions would be significantly harder.
Want to learn more about hooks? You can see all the details about these hooks in the middleware documentation.
What Middleware Does Django Include?
We’ve looked at the mental model for middleware and all the details of how an individual middleware works. What middleware does Django include in the framework?
The full list of built-in middleware is available in the middleware reference. I’ll describe what I think are the most common or useful middleware classes that Django includes.
- We’ve already encountered this middleware in the exploration of the auth system. The job of this middleware is to add theuser
attribute to anHttpRequest
object. That one littleuser
attribute powers many of the features of the auth system.CommonMiddleware
- The common middleware is a bit of an oddball. This middleware handles a variety of Django settings to control certain aspects of your project. For instance, theAPPEND_SLASH
setting will redirect a request
. This setting only works if theCommonMiddleware
is included.CsrfViewMiddleware
- In the forms article, I mentioned the CSRF token. As a reminder, this is a security feature that helps protect your project against malicious sources that want to send bad data to your site. TheCsrfViewMiddleware
ensures that the CSRF token is present and valid on form submissions.LocaleMiddleware
- This middleware is for handling translations if you choose to internationalize your project.MessageMiddleware
- The message middleware is for “flash messages.” These are one-time messages that you’d likely see after submitting a form, though they can be used in many places. We’ll discuss messages more when we get to the sessions topic.SecurityMiddleware
- The security middleware includes a number of checks to help keep your site secure. We saw the example of checking for HTTPS earlier in this article. This middleware also handles things like XSS, HSTS, and a bunch of other acronyms (😛) that will be seen with the future security topic.SessionMiddleware
- The session middleware manages session state for a user. Sessions are crucial for many parts of Django like user auth.
As you can see from this incomplete list, Django’s middleware can do a lot to enrich your project in a wide variety of ways. Middleware is an extremely powerful concept for Django projects and a great tool to extend your application’s request handling.
Remember, middleware comes with a performance cost so avoid the temptation to stuff too much functionality into the middleware chain. As long as you’re aware of the tradeoffs, middleware is a great tool for your toolbelt.
In this article, we saw Django’s middleware system.
We discussed:
- The mental model for considering middleware
- How to write your own middleware
- Some of the middleware classes that come with Django
Next time we’ll dig into static files. Static files are all the images, JavaScript, CSS, or other file types that your application serves, unmodified, to a user. We need to understand:
- How to configure static files
- The way to work with static files
- How to handle static files when deploying your site to the internet
If you’d like to follow along with the series, please feel free to sign up for my newsletter where I announce all of my new content. If you have other questions, you can reach me online on X where I am @mblayman.