Episode 13 - Does My Site Work?

On this episode, we will discuss how you can verify that your site works and continues to work. We’re digging into automated testing and how to write tests for your Django apps.

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Last Episode

On the last episode, our focus was on static files. Static files are vital to your application, but they have little to do with Python code. We saw what they are and what they do.

Why Write Tests

When you start out with a project, whether for a tutorial or for something real that you plan to grow, the fledgling site has very little functionality. To check that the site is working, you can start up the local web server, open your browser, navigate to the localhost URL, and confirm that the site is functional. How long does that take? 5 seconds? 15 seconds? 30 seconds?

You can’t eliminate the fact that a larger project means that there is more to check. What you can do is change the name of the game. You can change your page checking from something manual that may take 15 seconds to verify a page to something that a computer can do in milliseconds.

This is where automated tests come into the picture. Automated tests let computers do what computers do best: run repetitive tasks repeatedly, consistently, and quickly. When we write tests, our goal is to confirm some logic or behavior in a deterministic way.

def test_does_it_add():
    assert add(40, 2) == 42

The test works by running the code and comparing the result to whatever we expect that result to be. The test asserts that the equality statement is true. If the equality is false, then the assertion raises an exception and the test fails.

Useful Types Of Django Tests

My tests package will often mirror the structure of the application itself. The program which executes tests, which is called a “test runner,” typically expects to find tests in files that start with test_. The package often includes:

  • test_forms.py
  • test_models.py
  • test_views.py
  • etc.

Broadly, when we write automated tests, there is an important dimension to consider: how much application code should my test run?

The answer to that question influences the behavior of tests. If we write a test that runs a lot of code, then we benefit by checking a lot of a system at once; however, there are some downsides:

  • Running a lot of code means more things can happen and there is a higher chance of your test breaking in unexpected ways. A test that often breaks in unexpected ways is called a “brittle” test.
  • Running a lot of code means that there is a lot of code to run. That’s axiomatic, but the implication is that a test with more code to execute will take longer to run. Big automated tests are still very likely to be much faster than the same test executed manually, so running time is relative.

A good set of automated tests will include both unit and integration tests to check behavior of the individual units and the interconnections between parts.

Here are my working definitions of unit and integration tests in Django. These definition are imperfect (as are any definitions), but they should help frame the discussion in this article.

  • Unit tests - Tests that check individual units within a Django project like a model method or a form.
  • Integration test - Tests that check a group of units and their interactions like checking if a view renders the expected output.

Now that we have some core notion of what tests are about, let’s get into the details.

Unit Tests

My two “must have” packages are:

  • pytest-django
  • factory-boy

pytest-django is a package that makes it possible to run Django tests through the pytest program. pytest is an extremely popular Python testing tool with a huge ecosystem of extensions. In fact, pytest-django is one of those extensions.

My biggest reason for using pytest-django is that it let’s me use the assert keyword in all of my tests. In the Python standard library’s unittest module and, by extension, Django’s built-in test tools which subclasses unitttest classes, checking values requires methods like assertEqual and assertTrue. As we’ll see, using the assert keyword exclusively is a very natural way to write tests.

The other vital tool in my tool belt is factory-boy. factory_boy is a tool for building test database data. The library has fantastic Django integration and gives us the ability to generate model data with ease.

Model Tests

I’m going to give you a mental framework for any of your tests, not only unit tests. This framework should help you reason through any tests that you encounter when reading and writing code. The framework is the AAA pattern. The AAA patterns stands for:

  • Arrange - This is the part of the test that sets up your data and any necessary preconditions for your test.
  • Act - This stage is when your test runs the application code that you want to test.
  • Assert - The last part checks that your action is what you expected.

For a model test, this looks like:

# application/tests/test_models.py

from application.models import Order
from application.tests.factories import OrderFactory

class TestOrder:
    def test_shipped(self):
        """After shipping an order, the status is shipped."""
        order = OrderFactory(status=Order.Status.PENDING)


        assert order.status == Order.Status.SHIPPED

What are some good qualities about this test?

The test includes a docstring. Trust me, you will benefit from docstrings on your tests. There is a strong temptation to leave things at test_shipped, but future you may not have enough context.

The test checks one action. A test that checks a single action can fit in your head. There’s no question about interaction with other parts. There’s also no question about what is actually being tested. The simplicity of testing a single action makes each unit test tell a unique story.

The qualities in this test translate to lots of different test types. I think that’s the beauty of having a solid mental model for testing. Once you see the way that tests:

  1. Set up the inputs.
  2. Take action.
  3. Check the outputs.

Then automated testing becomes a lot less scary and more valuable to you. Now let’s see how this same pattern plays out in forms.

Form Tests

When writing tests, we often want to write a “happy path” test. This kind of test is when everything works exactly as you hope. This is a happy path form test.

# application/tests/test_forms.py

from application.forms import SupportForm
from application.models import SupportRequest

class TestSupportForm:
    def test_request_created(self):
        """A submission to the support form creates a support request."""
        email = "hello@notreal.com"
        data = {
            "email": email, "message": "I'm having trouble with your product."
        form = SupportForm(data=data)


        assert SupportRequest.objects.filter(email=email).count() == 1

With this test, we are synthesizing a POST request. The test:

  • Builds the POST data as data
  • Creates a bound form (i.e., connects data=data in the constructor)
  • Validates the form
  • Saves the form
  • Asserts that a new record was created
# application/tests/test_forms.py

from application.forms import SupportForm
from application.models import SupportRequest

class TestSupportForm:
    # ... def test_request_created ...

    def test_bad_email(self):
        """An malformed email address is invalid."""
        data = {"email": "bogus", "message": "Whatever"}
        form = SupportForm(data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert 'email' in form.errors

The test shows the mechanics for checking an invalid form. The key elements are:

  • Set up the bad form data
  • Check the validity with is_valid
  • Inspect the output state in form.errors

Integration Tests

In my opinion, a good integration test won’t look very different from a good unit test. An integration test can still follow the AAA pattern like other automated tests. The parts that change are the tools you’ll use and the assertions you will write.

# application/tests/test_views.py

from django.test import Client
from django.urls import reverse

from application.tests.factories import UserFactory

class TestProfileView:
    def test_shows_name(self):
        """The profile view shows the user's name."""
        client = Client()
        user = UserFactory()

        response = client.get(reverse("profile"))

        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert user.first_name in response.content.decode()

What is this test doing? Also, what is this test not doing?

By using the Django test client, the test runs a lot of Django code. This goes through:

  • URL routing
  • View execution (which will likely fetch from the database)
  • Template rendering

When I write an integration test, I’m mostly trying to answer the question: does the system hold together without breaking?

Tools To Help


pytest is a “test runner.” The tool’s job is to run automated tests. If you read Writing and running tests in the Django documentation, you’ll discover that Django also includes a test runner with ./manage.py test. What gives? Why am I suggesting that you use pytest?

I’m going to make a bold assertion: pytest is better.

Django’s test runner builds off the test tools that are included with Python in the unittest module. With those test tools, developers must make test classes that subclass unittest.TestCase. The downside of TestCase classes is that you must use a set of assert* methods to check your code.

The list of assert* methods are included in the unittest documentation. You can be very successful with these methods, but I think it requires remembering an API that includes a large number of methods. Consider this. Would you rather:

  1. Use assert? OR
  2. Use assertEqual, assertNotEqual, assertTrue, assertFalse, assertIs, assertIsNot, assertIsNone, assertIsNotNone, assertIn, assertNotIn, assertIsInstance, and assertNotIsInstance?
self.assertEqual(my_value, 42)
assert my_value == 42

self.assertNotEqual(my_value, 42)
assert my_value != 42

assert my_value is not None

assert my_value

Outside of the awesome handling of assert, pytest-django includes a lot of other features that you might find interesting when writing automated tests.


The other test package that I think every developer should use in their Django projects is factory_boy.

factory_boy helps you build model data for your tests.

You could use your model manager’s create method to create a database entry for your test, but you’re going to run into some limits very fast.

The biggest challenge with using create comes from database constraints like foreign keys. What do you do if you want to build a record that requires a large number of non-nullable foreign key relationships? Your only choice is to create those foreign key records.

def test_detail_view_show_genre(client):
    """The genre is on the detail page."""
    director = Director.objects.create(name="Steven Spielberg")
    producer = Producer.objects.create(name="George Lucas")
    studio = Studio.objects.create(name='Paramount')
    movie = Movie.objects.create(
        genre='Sci-Fi', director=director, producer=producer, studio=studio

    response = client.get(reverse('movie:detail', args=[movie.id]))

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert 'Sci-Fi' in response.content.decode()
def test_detail_view_show_genre(client):
    """The genre is on the detail page."""
    movie = MovieFactory(genre='Sci-Fi')

    response = client.get(reverse('movie:detail', args=[movie.id]))

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert 'Sci-Fi' in response.content.decode()

MovieFactory seems like magic. Our test got to ignore all the other details. Now the test could focus entirely on the genre.

Factories simplify the construction of database records. Instead of wiring the models together in the test, we move that wiring to the factory definition. The benefit is that our tests can use the plain style that we see in the second example. If we need to add a new foreign key to the model, only the factory has to be updated, not all your other tests that use that model.

What might this Movie factory look like? The factory might be:

# application/tests/factories.py

import factory

from application.models import Movie

# Other factories defined here...

class MovieFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Movie

    director = factory.SubFactory(DirectorFactory)
    producer = factory.SubFactory(ProducerFactory)
    studio = factory.SubFactory(StudioFactory)
    genre = 'Action'

factory_boy makes testing with database records a joy. In my experience, most of my Django tests require some amount of database data so I use factories very heavily. I think you will find that factory_boy is a worthy addition to your test tools.


In this episode, we explored tests with Django projects. We focused on:

  • Why would anyone want to write automated tests
  • What kinds of tests are useful to a Django app
  • What tools can you use to make testing easier

Next Time

On the next episode, we’re get into the important things you should consider when making your site live on the internet. This is the topic of deployment, and we’ll see the details next time.

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