In this episode, I integrated the bandit static analysis tool to do automated security checking of my code before each commit. We talked about pre-commit and how to add in a new hook. After finishing that tool addition, we got deep into Django while removing some messages inserted by django-allauth on sign up.
We began by talking about what the bandit tool does and how it works. Once I explained bandit, I focused on the bandit documentation to see how to add the tool. We found the pre-commit config hook in the bandit README docs.
I set bandit
in my .pre-commit-config.yaml
Then we ran all the files through bandit
to check the code
(venv) $ pre-commit run -a bandit
Bandit reported an error type
in my code
related to inclusion
of assert
Since those assert
statements are only found
in my test code,
I added a configuration file
so I could skip the false positive errors.
Thankfully, that was the only issue in my project so we wrapped up that tool addition and moved onto a different topic.
After adding bandit, I turned my attention back to the onboarding process. In my sign up flow, the django-allauth packages added alert messages when a user signs up for the first time. This was a poor experience for the onboarding process that I want to present to my future users.
To make the change, I needed to remove certain cookies from the start page. Ultimately, I discovered that the cookie must be removed from the request and the response of the view.
The real challenge in this work turned out to be the test to prove that the change worked. We spent a lot of time looking at the Django source code, the django-allauth code, and the django-test-plus code. It was quite an adventure!